Interspecies Future
Parthenos Sylvia butterfly
Eurasian bullfinch
Red lionfish (Pterois volitans)

Interspecies Future marks the beginning of a multi-decade civilisational journey in advancing new rights and opportunities for nonhuman life on Earth, made possible by the emergence of planetary-scale computing. This is the beginning of a new movement, a new discipline, that we collectively call Interspecies Future.

Together we must drive the networks, research, and multidisciplinary thinking to enable Interspecies work. In collaboration with the fields of biology, life science, computer science, animal rights, policy, Web3, creative practice and more, we will define the Interspecies discipline and determine pathways to bend the evolution of AI and technology towards nature. Our research networks will enable us to establish ground truths, state-of-the-art, and prove technical possibilities that will facilitate this work. Challenging a human-centric viewpoint, Interspecies Future considers an alternative way of being, working, and existing with non-human life.

Working to connect and facilitate this work, the Interspecies Future initiative is spearheaded by Light Art Space and the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Its kickoff took place during the Interspecies Future symposium in July 2022, chaired by K Allado-McDowell, Bettina Kames (LAS), Johannes Vogel (MfN), and Jonathan Ledgard.

Interspecies Future is a gathering place for sharing knowledge, facilitating cross-disciplinary research and supporting a network of related initiatives. We continue to seek and build upon partnerships and collaborations. For more information and how to get involved or support our work, please contact us: